N100 Health Promotion in Nursing Practice (AY 2022-2023)
Healthy public policy
Due: Wednesday, 7 September 2022, 11:29 PM
The following are healthy public policy. Select one and 1) identify the target population, 2) cite advantages and disadvantages (if any), and 3) do you see it being followed/implemented in your locality?
- Compulsary use of seatbelts
- Cigarette-smoke free zones
- Maintain healthy air by covering all potential sources of air pollution
- Construction of sewage and/or septage treatment facilities to protect bodies of water from land-based pollution sources
- Mandatory segregation of Solid Waste to be conducted at the source
- Integration of climate change into the primary and secondary education curricula, including textbooks and other education materials
- Introduction of sexuality education lessons in public elementary and high schools
- Integration of Environmental Awareness education in the school curricula at all levels, be it public or private, including day care, preschool, non-formal, technical, vocational, indigenous learning, and out-of-school youth courses or programs
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