Healthy public policy

Introduction of Sexuality Education Lessons in Public Elementary and High Schools

Introduction of Sexuality Education Lessons in Public Elementary and High Schools

by Isabel Faith Ledesma -
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Introduction of Sexuality Education Lessons in Public Elementary and High Schools

The merits of teaching sexuality education benefit adolescents and teenagers the most. It should be taught during the teenage years of an individual – a period of sexual awakening and significant change in physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It is a time of realization where they discover their preferences, make choices, and seek their wholeness and identity. Sexuality education should be integrated in both private and public schools to be inclusive and accessible for all social classes, especially the marginalized where high rates of teenage pregnancy occur. For the introduction of sexuality education to be effective and well-received, it should be structured in a manner that it delivers factual information without instilling any moral values or judgments.

Exposing teenagers to sexuality education brings out positive consequences such as education on reproduction and use of contraceptives which will aid in the minimization of the spread of HIV and STDs, promotion of safe sex, and prevention of teenage pregnancy. Furthermore, sexuality education also encompasses topics on puberty, pregnancy, family planning, gender identity, sexual orientation, body perception, relationships, and sexual violence prevention. It informs the youth about characteristics of manipulation, abuse, and exploitation which they may be prone to during their bouts on seeking thrill and new experiences. This allows them to protect themselves from predators and helps them distinguish healthy and unhealthy relationships. It opens a safe space where young people can share their thoughts on sexual heath, sexuality, and gender identity, enabling conversations that appear to be embarrassing yet completely normal to happen.

Despite progress in developed countries on the integration of sexuality education, the topic of sex, in general, remain a controversial topic or taboo in the Philippines. It is considered inappropriate and even scandalous to openly speak of such topic to young children, justifying that sexual matters and conversations centered around it are only for adults to discuss, placating the curiosity of a child by saying, “Masyado ka pang bata para dito,” or, “Hindi ito para sa mga bata.”

Culturally, sex education is viewed in a negative light. Its appropriateness to being taught in the school setting to adolescents and teenagers have been widely debated and, in most cases, frowned upon, as it is believed to taint the innocence and morality of children. This perception can also be attributed to the predominance of Catholicism and Christianity in the country with their conservative and traditional beliefs that paints the topic of sex as profane. Extramarital relationship is also religiously and socially disapproved of. Many also consider that teaching sex education may also posit for more young people to engage in sexual activity due to being exposed on information regarding sexual intercourse and use of contraception, further sparking ire and concern. Moreover, the lack of skilled teachers specializing in sexual education is another challenge that needs to be addressed. Hence, the integration of sexual education in the school curricula remain at a standstill, with very little progress over the years.

In our locality, schools remain hesitant to touch on sexuality education and the concept of sex. When taught, it is superficial at best, without much delving. This can be attributed to the lack of specialized personnel to tech the subject at hand, or perhaps, at worst, ignorance of its importance.



Bullivant, S. & Soto, J. (2020, April 24). The impact of sex education mandates on teenage pregnancy: International evidence. Health Economics, 29(7), 790-807.

IvyPanda. (2020, March 22). The pros and cons of sex education in school.

Rahmani A, Merghati-Khoei E, & Fallahi A. (2018). Perceived Advantages and Disadvantages of Sex Education in Young Women: A Qualitative Study. Int J High Risk Behav Addict, 7(2). 1. doi: 10.5812/ijhrba.57221.