Healthy public policy

Mandatory Segregation of Solid Waste to be Conducted at the Source

Mandatory Segregation of Solid Waste to be Conducted at the Source

by Andrea Khaye Gutierrez -
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Mandatory Segregation of Solid Waste to be Conducted at the Source

The concept of waste segregation at home, streets, in communities,  and even in service institutions has always been there for as long as I can remember. Ever since I was a kid, I see different color-coded bins along the streets with imprinted signs/symbols of “biodegradables”, “non-biodegradables”, and “recyclables” for people to differentiate and rightfully segregate the various kinds of wastes. Mandatory segregation of solid wastes to be conducted at the source  as a public health policy mainly targets the small-scale population of families or a residential household within a community. 

Definitely, proper waste segregation has its advantages to the health of the people, the environment, and the overall community. Festering and rotting waste is a breeding ground for bacteria and mold, thereby contributing to a person’s vulnerability to acquisition of disease (Lake Macquarie, 2018). With properly segregated wastes, health issues arising from improper waste segregation  (e.g. parasitic infections, meningitis, skin infections, candida, bacteremia) are significantly reduced. Pests like insects and rodents are also less likely to thrive in a house with proper waste management which can further limit the vector-borne diseases they might bring. 

Proper waste segregation has a much greater impact and benefits towards the health of the environment as well. If done in a proper manner, it does not only eliminate the surrounding wastes but also will reduce the intensity of the greenhouse gases like methane, carbon monoxide which is emitted from the wastes accumulated (Reddy, n.d.). The depth of the existing landfills and incineration will be curbed as well, thereby cutting down the harmful factors that affect the environment  (Reddy, n.d.). Proper segregation of solid wastes also promotes the idea of composting and the ever efficient 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle). Through this, wastes are turned into new useful substances which also contributes to the conservation of our natural resources. If wastes are improperly managed, then things will go the opposite way. People are more likely to get sick. Vector-borne diseases will be more prevalent. The health of the environment will continue to deteriorate. More greenhouse gasses will be emitted and pollution of water, air, and land will further worsen . Floodings in low areas are thrice more likely to occur. Landfills will fill faster until there’s no more room for our garbage. Chaos. 

Unfortunately, proper waste segregation of solid wastes is not implemented in my locality. To be completely honest, our family and almost all residential homes in my area do not segregate their wastes as well. Most people do not appreciate the benefits of the process to the general health of the person and the environment, thus the low salience. I would say, most households do truly find it inconvenient to actually segregate their waste especially when they have to juggle their house tasks with their busy schedule. Why segregate when the garbage collector will collect unsegregated wastes anyway? Imposition of mandatory waste segregation at the source is still a long way to go for this country. It requires a different level of discipline to actually do the right and healthy thing regardless of the benefit we will obtain from it. The goal is to actually make proper waste segregation as some kind of habit we don’t have to feel inconvenienced for. Furthermore, proper waste management should also be brought to a large scale. The government and our local authorities should impose better rules and regulations regarding proper waste management to ensure that all people would actually follow it. As citizens, let us be responsible enough. To better public health!


Reddy, C. (n.d.). Advantages and disadvantages of waste management.

Lake Macquarie. (2018). 10 reasons to Commit yourself to proper waste disposal.