Activity #12: Good or bad assessment?

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After watching the video of Norcini on the Criteria for Good Assessment: Consensus statement and recommendations from the Ottawa 2010 Conference, use their recommended criteria in deciding whether the assessment portrayed in the given scenario is good or not.  Explain how you arrived at this decision and suggest at least one way that the clinical teacher in the scenario can further improve the assessment.




A clinical teacher handling 5 Physical Therapy interns rotating in the burn unit decided to conduct weekly assessments of his interns so that he will be able to gather enough information at the end of their four-week rotation.  He utilized a 5-page checklist provided by the training officer.  This is the assessment tool developed by the training committee which all clinical teachers used to assess their assigned interns.  Because the checklist was too long, and he didn’t want to be holding a bunch of papers during patient rounds, he would fill out the checklists at the end of the day.  The results of the checklists are discussed with the interns at the end of the week.


During feedback sessions, he admits it’s usually difficult to give very specific feedback to each intern because he feels there isn’t enough time to see all the expected competencies of each student.  That’s why he would usually conduct group feedback instead.  He feels this will also be beneficial to more students compared with individual feedback sessions.


The final grade of the interns for the burn unit rotation is based on the average rating of the student from the checklist scores per week.  He noticed that in the past year that he has been a clinical teacher in the burn unit rotation, no student has ever gotten a failing mark.



Post your answer in the discussion thread in the course site and respond or provide a comment to responses of at least 3 of your classmates.  Keep your answers brief and concise. Your responses will not be graded, but you are encouraged to participate in the exchange of ideas.  You have until Apr 26, 2024 to post your answers and give comments to your classmates’ responses.

Always remember to follow our class netiquette guidelines as we discussed during the course orientation.

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Kenneth Charles Mutia
Picture of Kenneth Charles Mutia
Kenneth Charles Mutia
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Felice Katrina Trio-Ranche
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Kenneth Charles Mutia