Activity #12: Good or bad assessment?

Tool vs strategy

Tool vs strategy

by Felice Katrina Trio-Ranche -
Number of replies: 2

From the perspective of a teacher, I think the assessment tool in itself is good, considering it was the result of collaborative effort from the training committee. Even if it is long, it can be filled up partially with every clinic encounter. However the strategy employed by the teacher needs improvement. Accomplishing the form when the encounter is no longer fresh is problematic. Having only one teacher give grades for an entire rotation is also not a good practice.

79 words

In reply to Felice Katrina Trio-Ranche

Re: Tool vs strategy

by Derek Resurreccion -
A perfectly conceived plan will no doubt be trumped by improper implementation.

12 words

In reply to Felice Katrina Trio-Ranche

Re: Tool vs strategy

by Kenneth Charles Mutia -
I agree. although there should be room for contextualization of the tool so the results may be applicable to the specific practice and setting of each health profession.

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