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Feeling Pandemonium

Re: Feeling Pandemonium

by Maria Emma Alesna-Llanto -
Number of replies: 0
Dear Suga,
You may be good at "hiding it" but you sure are articulate when expressing your feelings... which is actually the first step in dealing with such strong emotions. Naming your emotions and being "granular" about it. Perhaps, the next step is to talk to a trusted friend...just to get it off your chest, just to feel listened to. We aren't superheroes ...we should not deprive ourselves of kindness and compassion which we are so generous with our family and patients. We cannot pour from an empty cup...that's why we do self-care.

Just a thought: Kubler-Ross' stages of grief aren't you may have can feel the stages during the same day or regress back to anger. What I recently read was that there is a 6th stage...and that is finding meaning in what has happened. We eventually will need to.
