Activity #14: The role of feedback in learning

The Role of Feedback in Learning

The Role of Feedback in Learning

by Irwina Lazo -
Number of replies: 1

When I was a clerk, I got a demerit because I wasn't able to elicit a very important data in the history which should have clinched the diagnosis of a paraplegic patient. When I asked my resident how should I have asked about the data, she just shrugged her shoulders and said "try to read more" in a sarcastic way (for she was also scolded by the consultant because she copied my history). I felt like I don't know anything at that time. But my PGI who witness the incident told me, just go back to the patient, and ask again until you will extract all the needed data. That's one reason I shine away from IM. From then on I told myself, I should guide my juniors because I don't like them to feel how I felt at that time. 

141 words

In reply to Irwina Lazo

Re: The Role of Feedback in Learning

by Chyssa Agnelli Pauig -
This is true doc weng. A good feedback really makes one to be more motivated however, at times a bad feedback can help you reflect not to do and repeat it to your juniors.

34 words