Topic outline

  • About the Course

  • UNIT 1: Looking at Organizations

    The first unit begins with looking at the macrosystem to help students situate themselves and their organizations within the bigger national system.  Then, students will be introduced to the parts, structure, and basic types of organization to help them better understand the microstructure within their own institutions.  The discussions will help the students analyze the internal and external factors which shape organizations.

    Key concepts:  Philippine Development Plan, National Objectives for Health, transformative education, organizational attributes, pulls on the organization, configurations, life cycle model


  • Topic 2: Organizational Theories


    "Once you have a clear picture of your priorities – that is your values, goals and high leverage activities, organize around them."

    -Stephen Covey via @theorderexpert

    The characteristics or attributes of an organization is a reflection, in more ways than one, of the vision, mission, and beliefs of stakeholders behind the organization.

    In this topic, we will discuss the different organizational theories and in the end use your understanding of these theories to analyze and eventually write a technical paper about your (selected) organization.


    Topics Assigned Readings


    • Mainstream of Organizational thought (Lynette)
    • Organizational Theory
      • Bureaucratic Theory
      • Human Resources Management Theory
      • Theory X and Theory Y 
    • Systems Theory
      • Role Theory 
      • Social Systems 
      • Sociotechnical Systems Theory 
      • Contingency Theory


    • Organizational configurations
    • Paradoxes of Metaphor

    Organizational Behavior in Education by Owens (LB2806)

    NOTE: Used as reference the 4th edition. Paging may be different in the newer edition.

    • Chapter 1 (1-24)
    • (Chapter 2 (27-73)


    Mintzberg on Management

    • Chapter 2


    Marinker, M. (1997). Myth, Paradox and the Hidden Curriculum. Medical Education, Vol. 31. No.4. July 1997
  • Organizational Theories: Synthesis

    Restricted Available from 30 September 2024
  • This topic

    Unit 2: Human Dimension of Organization and Leadership

    • Am I a Leader? Assignment
      Restricted Available from 26 September 2024
    • Step 1: DO Leadership Choices Exercise File
      Restricted Available from 26 September 2024
    • Step 2: Accomplish Leadership Exercise Answer Sheet File
      Restricted Available from 26 September 2024
    • Step 3: Summarize your answers in the Leadership Score Sheet File
      Restricted Available from 26 September 2024
    • Step 4: Read more about your choices (Strengths and Weaknesses of Leadership Styles) File
      Restricted Available from 26 September 2024
    • Seven Habits SCORM package
      Restricted Available from 26 September 2024
    • Situational Leadership Interactive SCORM package
      Restricted Available from 26 September 2024
  • Unit 3: Organizational Culture and Organizational Climate

    • Organizational Culture SCORM package
      Restricted Available from 29 October 2024
  • Unit 4: Organizational Development and Change

  • UNIT 5: THE MANAGEMENT PROCESS and Management Functions

    In this unit, you will be introduced to the basic management process of planning, leading, organizing, and controlling.  This unit will also help you look into your own institution’s management processes, clarifying your role as part of the organization.  Different leadership styles will also be discussed and how each style affects your own organization’s decision-making processes.

     Key concepts: planning, results based management, organizing, authority & power, decentralization, staffing, leading, managers & supervision, motivation, change management, communication, controlling

  • Organizing in Management

  • Unit 5: My Organizational Development Issues

    Restricted Available from 12 November 2024

    During our last session, we talked about organizational change. 

    To manage change, you need to be equipped with several skills needed as you go to the different stages of program planning and as you perform your different roles as manager or administrator.

    In this topic your will be learning the different tools of the trade. These topics were not covered anymore in our course, but hopefully the interactive materials will provide you with the necessary knowledge to help you in addressing your own organizational challenges.

  • Final Paper

    Your final paper will also serve as your final examination. To serve as final examination, be sure to provide all the theoretical discussion requirement of each Chapter and Section.

    See attached Checklist for your guidance.