My Organization: A Comprehensive Analysis using Organizational Theories

Date: After Reporting on Organizational Theories

Assignment Objectives:

Students should be able to:

  1. Utilize understanding of different organizational theories in analyzing own organization.
  2. Write a technical paper discussing result of yout comprehensive analysis of selected organization.

Number of pages: Minimum of three pages.

Citations: All assigned readings must be cited in the paper. 


  1. Select an organization.
  2. Get approval from organizational leaders for access and use of organizational data.
  3. Analyze your organization in terms of the following organizational theories:
    1. Bureaucratic theory
    2. Human Resource Management theory
    3. Theory X and Theory Y
  4. Analyze your organization in terms of Sytems theory:
    1. Describe your school as a social system.
    2. Discuss whether your organization is an open or closed system. (illustrate using a social system diagram)
    3. Using role theory, explain your role and position in the organization (illustrate using role set diagram).
  5. Describe your organization as a sociotechnical system (illustrate using an STS diagram.
  6. Finally, describe your organization according to Mintzberg's configuration.