Activity 2

LIM, Gerica Mae M.

LIM, Gerica Mae M.

by Gerica Mae Lim -
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The lesson on the lymphatic system captivated my interest, particularly the concept of immunity. Understanding the distinctions between innate and adaptive immunity has provided me with valuable insights as to how our body responds to microbes and strives to maintain homeostasis. This concept resonated with me as I have observed my cousin's struggle with psoriasis, an autoimmune disease where the body mistakenly perceives its own tissues as foreign invaders to be attacked.

As discussed in the lesson, the immune system is designed to shield us from microbes and diseases. Immune cells play a crucial role in identifying and attacking invaders such as microbes, bacteria, and viruses. However, in the case of psoriasis, the immune cells malfunction. The T cells become excessively activated, mistakenly attacking skin cells. This triggers a cascade of responses in the immune system, leading to inflammation and an accelerated growth of skin cells, which rise to the surface within days instead of the usual month.

Observing the impact of psoriasis on my cousin's skin and daily activities has deepened my understanding of how her immune system deviates from the normal mechanisms of immunity, both innate and adaptive. As a student nurse, I believe that this knowledge on immunity becomes essential, enabling me to comprehend diseases related to the lymphatic system, such as autoimmune diseases like psoriasis, when they occur outside the usual parameters of immunity. It equips me with the awareness to recognize and address these deviations, fostering a more informed and compassionate approach to patient care.