Activity #12: Which type of assessment is most valuable to students?

Assessment as a continuum

Assessment as a continuum

by Grace Catalan -
Number of replies: 4

Learning assessment is a continuum. Inasmuch as assessment OF learning is very useful for terminal competency and progression to to the next level of learning and training, periodic assessment during the course of the learning is equally important if not more important especially for the students in order for them to receive feedback on how they are doing and how to get better. This is also very useful for the trainer/teacher as they also gain insights on how their teaching content and curriculum are working for their students. Changes and modifications become timely and helpful during assessment AS and FOR learning.

101 words

In reply to Grace Catalan

Re: Assessment as a continuum

by Ellen Palomares -
I agree with you on this Grace, that to work towards the learning maturity of assessment AS learning, the student has to have the capability to recognize how they are doing and where they are going

36 words

In reply to Grace Catalan

Re: Assessment as a continuum

by Maria Elizabeth Grageda -
Assessment results and data are really useful for improvement for both students and for the program.

16 words