Activity 2. Reflection

ESCOSURA, Clinen L._Activity 2. Reflection

ESCOSURA, Clinen L._Activity 2. Reflection

by Clinen Escosura -
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 ACTIVITY 2: Reflection

  1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

  • Learning anatomy and physiology requires more than memorizing the vital terms that relate to the body's different systems. We must also comprehend these terms and concepts to apply them in the medical field. However, to have a deeper understanding of these terminologies, it is significant that we acquire sufficient time and materials. As a result, one of the challenges I have encountered in applying what I have learned in this course is the limited educational materials. Due to the pandemic, blended learning has restricted us from having physical classes wherein we can build rapport among our professors and have a better visual understanding of the different parts of the body. 


  1. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

  • Due to the advancement of technology, it is to our advantage that there have been multiple programs and websites that allow us to have an in-depth understanding of anatomy and physiology. The age of technology has paved the way in the field of medicine and aids students' education by providing essential graphical 3D representations of the different parts of the body and their corresponding functions and significance. As a result, students can visualize the human body without cadavers and models. Hence, to overcome the challenge I am experiencing under the context of the pandemic, I could better utilize these tools to educate myself, strengthen my knowledge, and apply them in my field.