Activity 2. Reflection

Gratil, Rovic Kien D. - Activity 2: Reflection

Gratil, Rovic Kien D. - Activity 2: Reflection

by Rovic Kien Gratil -
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  1. The major challenge that I will encounter in applying the concepts that I've learned in our anatomy class is their application in real-life situations. I think I can vouch for all my nursing batchmates on the fact that right now, we lack the necessary physical experience or applications concerning our lessons and concepts. Although, I believe that we learned a lot from our virtual studying. However, real-life applications are astronomically different. I fully acknowledge that once we enter a new yet old learning mode next year, it's gonna be another difficult challenge for all of us since we recently just adjusted to the online setup. Furthermore, interacting with patients with different and unique sets of problems and quirks is also another big challenge for us once we start face-to-face classes. It's a grueling challenge that I fully believe all of us can overcome. 

  2. The best way to overcome this challenge is to fully prepare myself when face-to-face classes come around by looking at example lab activities and seeking help from senior nursing students. I will ask them about their experiences and ask if they could give me some tips or resources that they've used. I also need to fully immerse myself in sample laboratory activities that would condition and guide me for real-life activities and scenarios. Moreover, utilizing my innate visual learning skill can help me overcome this challenge. All in all, there are certainly a lot of ways that I can overcome this challenge but immersing myself with the physical applications of the topics as well as cooperating with my classmates and senior nurses are the best ways that I can think of.