Activity 2. Reflection

VALERA, Katelyn B._Activity 2: Reflection

VALERA, Katelyn B._Activity 2: Reflection

by Katelyn Valera -
Number of replies: 0

1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy? 

The study of anatomy and physiology is complicated given the fact that it concerns both body structures and functions and how they relate to or affect one another. With that being said, throughout the different lectures that we had for this course, a significant challenge I see myself encountering once I apply what I have learned would be integrating concepts into actual bodily anatomy and physiology or real life. As lessons were conducted in an online set-up, there were limitations encountered when it came to learning as all lectures were confined to modules, videos, and synchronous plenary sessions. There is still a need for actual integration days where we can be given a chance to encounter different activities involving key instruments or equipment that will enable us to mimic what we often see in video lectures. 

2. What are your plans to overcome this challenge? 

In the study of anatomy and physiology, I believe that the best first step would be to take the initiative in learning the theories and integrating them into real life. Taking the initiative would enable one not to limit oneself to the concepts but also to go beyond what is taught in class. To cite an instance, dissection projects or demonstrations are some of the few activities that can help you visualize and connect different concepts regarding anatomy and physiology, An experience of mine on dissection projects would be my block’s year-long performance tasks on our subjects A&P 1 and A&P 2 during 12th grade; during each quarter of the year, we were given specific body organs to dissect and connect different concepts to. The PETA that I specifically liked and would be happy to do again would be the pig’s heart dissection; through this activity, learning about both pulmonary and circulatory circulation as well as the functions of the different chambers of the heart came easy as we were able to see a heart in person, as well as pinpoint structures that enable it to function in the pumping of blood and delivery of oxygen to different body structures. Aside from these projects, it also helps to have a wide range of resources to use whenever you are studying anatomy; said resources include video presentations, diagrams or illustrations, and flowcharts. All these enable one to go beyond what is written and see the lectures for what they are.