It is actually fascinating to know that we have our own little warriors within our body that fights against potential threats to our body and they have been doing so since our birth. Innate immunity is our natural immunity that has been present when we are born. Just like warriors in a battle, they have lines of defenses and in fact, we have two. Our first line of defense is our skin and mucous membranes which are mainly responsible for being the barrier that barricades our body from foreign substances and pathogens. And if they did get inside, the second line of defense of our body will start to act, this is our internal defense to such threats. Our warriors in this line are antimicrobial substances, phagocytes, natural killer cells, inflammation, and fever. It’s a wonderful thing to realize that all of these happen within our body and they do that because of the very reason of protecting us and our wellbeing.
Knowing about this information is essential for us in our daily lives. Acknowledging that our body fights for us, we must also hold ourselves accountable in taking good care of our body and health since the little warriors within the lines of defenses within our body will only eagerly fight if our body is healthy enough to support their functions. As much as they protect our body, they’d also like for us to give the same effort because we work together in order to successfully combat potential threats that can harm our body if not fought immediately.