Activity 2

CO, Melissa Joy L._Activity 2

CO, Melissa Joy L._Activity 2

by Melissa Joy Co -
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Choose one concept in our lesson today, give a brief explanation about the concept and cite how would you apply this learning in your everyday life.

The stress and immunity portion of the lesson is the most relatable for me. Stress strains the body and can reduce the number of lymphocytes and natural killer cells in the body that are essential to fight pathogens. Hence, stress can cause cancer and various illnesses. Different types of stress produce different immune outcomes. Reminding ourselves that stress can be both positive and negative will allow us to give more time and attention to our bodies and help their improvement. Nowadays, we students often forget how important sleep is to repair the body because of school requirements. With this, we are being reminded to prioritize ourselves over our academics.


Herbert, T. (n.d.). Stress and the immune system. World Health • 47th Year, 2.