by Frances Rei Reyes -
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Problem Identification


Goals of Care

After the nursing interventions, the client will:


The student nurse will:

Ineffective adolescent eating dynamics related to changes to self-esteem upon entering puberty and excessive stress

Adolescent development entails a lot of physical changes that often lead to the decrease in self-esteem and increase in stress. The effects of this is apparent in the current BMI of the client, being underweight. Moreover, the client is still trying to lose weight despite already being underweight, which must be addressed immediately.

  • Discuss 3 importance of eating healthy, balanced, and various foods to one’s health.

  • Report adherence to a healthy, calorie-sufficient, and balanced meal plan.

  • Discuss the importance of good nutrition to one’s development.

  • Design a meal plan consisting of 3 full meals and 1-2 snacks daily for 7 consecutive days.

  • Emphasize on the importance of adhering to the designed meal plans.

Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements related to desire for weight loss

Adolescent's perspective on their physical appearance often affects their choices in what and how much they will eat. The client is already underweight, which may pose many possible health issues.

  • Discuss 3 importance of meeting caloric requirements to one’s energy level and development.

  • Report a 24-hour food recall containing well-balanced and nutritious meals according to her caloric requirements for 7 consecutive days. 

  • Discuss the caloric requirement of the client based on her physical activities and anthropometric measurements.

  • Teach how to accurately record food consumption in a food journal.

  • Emphasize the importance

Stress overload related to academic pressure

Adolescents often experience academic pressure and this may increase the mental load that the client is already feeling. Stress can affect physical health by increasing the risk of heart diseases and by weakening one’s immune system.

  • Verbalize willingness to find a balance between school, leisure, and rest.

  • Take a minimum of 10 minutes of rest for every 1 hour of doing school work.

  • Take a minimum of 1 hour a day in doing one’s hobbies.

  • Assist in identifying stressors.

  • Discuss the importance of spending specific time slots for school, leisure and rest in lessening stress.

  • Discuss the importance of rest in improving performance, productivity, and efficiency.

  • Discuss the importance of taking time to enjoy one’s hobbies in lessening stress.

Interrupted family processes related to changes in interaction with a parent

Parental guidance is crucial in the development of adolescents. The parent’s difficulty in communicating with the client must be addressed so that the client will be guided accordingly in this very eventful and crucial phase in her development.

  • Converse with her mother for a minimum of 10 minutes daily.

  • Verbalize stressors, problems, and feelings to her mother daily.

  • Encourage the client to initiate conversation with one’s parents.

  • Discuss the role of parents in guiding the client during her development.

  • Discuss the benefits of having constant communication with a parent to one’s health.

Risk for situational low self-esteem as evidenced by increased consciousness about one’s looks

With all the physical changes experienced by the client, it is important to mitigate the risk for lowered self-esteem immediately.

  • Verbalize 5 statements of affirmation towards oneself.

  • Discuss a minimum of 5 normal physical changes that are expected during adolescence.

  • Encourage the use of kind, affirmative, and positive  statements of affirmation towards oneself and its benefits to one’s mental and emotional health.

  • Discuss the various normal changes in the physical body of a teenager.

  • Create a safe and comfortable space for catering conversations about self-image and self-esteem.

Anticipated Problems

  • Disturbed body image: if the client will not be supported during this phase in her life, she might develop a disturbed image of her body as evidenced by: her desire to lose more weight despite already being underweight; and her increased self-consciousness related to her acne breakouts.

  • Dysfunctional family processes: if the client’s difficulty in communicating with her parents will not be addressed, it might lead to a dysfunctional family process where she will not be guided accordingly during this very crucial point in her life.

  • Ineffective coping: if the client’s response to stressors will not be addressed, her ability to appraise stressors, address stress, and deal with these challenges might be negatively affected and thus, affect her ability to resolve these.




The client will:

  • identify the need to address nutritional insufficiency and being underweight;

  • identify various stressors;

  • verbalize willingness to adhere to these meal plans;

  • verbalize willingness to balance time between school, leisure, and rest;

  • verbalize willingness to have constant communication with her mother; and

  • enumerate ways to healthily cope with stress and problems;

The mother will:

  • encourage her daughter to take rests, do hobbies, and perform recreative activities; and

  • initiate conversations with her daughter about stressors and challenges;


  • Pinggang Pinoy, food pyramid, nutrition requirements, caloric needs, balanced and nutritious meals

  • Stressors, healthy coping mechanism, role of leisure and recreation

  • Role of sufficient rest

  • Normal changes during adolescence

  • Importance of parental guidance and support

Materials and Resources

  • DOST’s Pinggang Pinoy and Food Pyramid Guide

  • Infographics containing information on the importance of a balanced diet, enough rest, and healthy coping mechanisms


  • Discussion

  • Visual aid presentation

  • Meal plan making


  • Question and Answer

  • Interview

  • Output evaluation (meal plan)



Adolescent Self-Esteem. (2020). ACT for Youth.

Siegel, J. M., Yancey, A. K., Aneshensel, C. S., & Schuler, R. (1999). Body image, perceived pubertal timing, and adolescent mental health. Journal of adolescent health, 25(2), 155-165.

Voelker, D. K., Reel, J. J., & Greenleaf, C. (2015). Weight status and body image perceptions in adolescents: current perspectives. Adolescent health, medicine and therapeutics, 6, 149.

Williams, J. M., & Currie, C. (2000). Self-esteem and physical development in early adolescence: Pubertal timing and body image. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 20(2), 129-149.