Care of an Adolescent

Care of an Adolescent

by Krisa Jo Hannah Villamin -
Number of replies: 1



(Silbert-Flagg, & Pillitteri, 2018)





The nurse will:

Disturbed body image r/t trying to lose weight a.e.b. being underweight

Adolescents may be disappointed with their bodies due to an “unsatisfactory” appearance. They may want to lose weight due to being obese or overweight through low-calorie or starvation diets. Ginny was neither; she is underweight and yet tries to lose weight. Actual weight may contrast with her perceived weight.

The client will:

The mother will:

  • Determine reasons for losing weight.
  • Assist in separating appearance from feelings of personal worth.
  • Assist in identifying an attainable healthy weight goal and creating a nutritious diet plan.
  • Discuss various high-calorie nutritious foods and foods abundant in zinc, iron, and calcium while also considering client’s preferences.

Report adherence to nutritious diet plan, express comfort with own body, and have a normal BMI.


Risk for situational low self-esteem r/t facial and neck acne breakout and feeling extra conscious of looks

Acne is the most common skin disorder of adolescents due to increased sebaceous gland secretions trapped into hair shafts. Having acne has caused Ginny to be extra conscious of how she looks, especially that she has a boyfriend. She may be carrying an undesirable self-perception.

Maintain grooming and hygiene routine for acne care and express positive feelings about self-worth.

Assist the client in developing positive self-esteem.

  • Discuss acne breakout as a common skin disorder for adolescents and its causes.
  • Assist in creating an attainable skin care routine and encourage adherence.
  • Inspect acne lesions if they are mild, moderate, or severe.
  • Refer client to a physician for treatment or medications if acne breakout is abnormal.

Stress overload r/t academic grades and college application a.e.b. feelings of stress and acne breakout

Ginny is undergoing transition, preparing for college. During life-changing events, especially as an adolescent shifts to young adulthood, extreme stress may be felt. Juggling academics, relationships, and personal matters (self-perception, losing weight) may burden Ginny. Acne breakout can be caused by emotional stress.

Report decrease in stress by using effective coping patterns and perform in academics to level of ability.

Assist client to cope with stress physically, emotionally, and mentally.

  • Assist in breaking down academic and college application goals into manageable tasks.
  • Appraise the impact of client’s life and stressful situation on personal and relationship roles.
  • Assist in practicing positive strategies to deal with limitations.

Ineffective relationship r/t ineffective communication a.e.b. keeping secrets from mother

Adolescents tend to be in conflict with their parents due to wanting autonomy. Ginny’s keeping of her relationship a secret may imply that her mother did not approve of her having a relationship this early.  This led to Ginny having ineffective communication with her mother, who finds her to be difficult to talk to and hardly knows her friends. “Parent-child friction” peaks around Ginny’s age.

Report being able to discuss feelings of distress with her mother.

Maintain open communication with client while respecting privacy.

  • Listen intently to both the mother and the client individually for reasons of ineffective communication.
  • Facilitate open communication between them.
  • Counsel client on the importance of having a trusting and communicative relationship with the mother.
  • Counsel the mother on client’s situation and developmental stage.



  • Ineffective adolescent eating dynamics. Ginny may develop unhealthy eating habits to lose weight.
  • Ineffective coping. If her stress and losing of weight are not managed and ineffective communication with her mother for support continues, Ginny may develop unhealthy coping strategies.



(Silbert-Flagg & Pillitteri, 2018; Aldaba, 2022)

FocusDisturbed body image is concerned with self-perception and nutrition. Nutrition is a physiological need that needs to be prioritized according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

TopicEnhancing nutritional status to promote positive body image

Duration30 minutes

Content and Objectives

  • Identify causes and contributing factors for an underweight status.
  • Explain the needed amount and nutrients of different food groups based on the Daily Nutritional Guide Pyramid for Filipino adolescents.
  • Discuss need for a high-calorie diet and mineral supplementation to support body’s needs for iron, zinc, calcium.
  • Assist in creating a sample meal plan using the DNG Pyramid with the mother.
  • Client’s mother: Verbalize provision and preparation of nutritious food for daily meals.


  • Discuss importance of balanced activity and rest for good development and growth.

Medication Regimen

  • Discuss mineral supplement dosage regimen and adherence (i.e., identify dose, supplement name, time and frequency of intake)


  • Monitor weight changes/gains regularly.
  • Client’s mother: Assist in adhering to mineral supplementation regimen, monitoring of food and nutrition intake, and monitoring of weight and BMI.


  • DNG Pyramid for Filipino adolescents illustration
  • Visual aids on nutritious food products
  • Weighing scale, tape measure, calculator


  • Discussion
  • Meal planning
  • BMI measurement demonstration
In reply to Krisa Jo Hannah Villamin

Re: Care of an Adolescent

by Krisa Jo Hannah Villamin -


  • Aldaba, J. (2022). Care of the Child from Infancy to Adolescence: Care of the Adolescent [PowerPoint Slides]. University of the Philippines Manila Virtual Learning Environment:
  • Bulechek, G.M., Butcher, H.K., Dochterman, J.M., & Wagner, C. (2013). Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) (6th ed.). Mosby
  • Herdman, T.H., & Kamitsuru, S. (2018). NANDA International, Inc. Nursing Diagnoses Definitions and Classification 2018-2020 (11th ed.). NANDA International
  • Moorhead, S., Johnson, M., Maas, M.L., & Swanson, E. (2013). Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC). Mosby Inc
  • Silbert-Flagg, J. & Pillitteri, A. (2018). Chapter 33 Nursing Care of a Family With an Adolescent. Maternal & Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing & Childrearing Family (8th ed., pp. 1936-1998). Wolters Kluwer