Thank you Kay, Nice, and Kirose for your presentation that vividly showed how an organization is established to move towards a collective goal. The progress towards industrialization led to focus on the collective workers such as the factory, rather than the individual or cottage industries. Others also reported that through conformity, an organization “enhances the predictability of human action and reduces behavioral alternatives”, in pursuit of a collective goal. The classical organization theory can be seen as mechanical, rigorous, and a closed system; reflecting the 1900s.
Another basis for the classical theory is its standardized practices; wherein there is only one way of doing a procedure. This is also in stark constrast with systems theory, that promotes equifinality and alternate possibilities of achieving tasks. But of course, in the setting of limited resources, standardized protocols can be vital to sustain organizations.
In my opinion, just like human evolution, organizational structures also evolve to reflect the present needs. Back then, there was still no internet and transportation is still not as developed; hence promoting organized closed systems. Now that we are pushing to being connected virtually to everyone and industries are now focused on technology, a new organizational theory might also be developed in organizing big data, virtual offices, and online classrooms.