Welcome Notes and Orientation to the Module

Welcome to the Department of Medicine's online course for internship. This module contains what we feel are essential skills an intern will need to develop in order to be able to handle clinical work in the department. As LU7 students you are expected to access and view all available modules in an asynchronized manner. Prior to each module will be a pre-test that must be accomplished before the module itself can be accessed. Upon completion, please do answer the accompanying post-test. Successful completion of a module will entail completion of both pre-and post-tests as well as complete viewing of the module. To be successfully credited as having completed this module, all modules must be completed in this manner. Kindly note that this is a purely asynchronous, self-directed, self-study activity which you will complete at your own convenience. There is no specified order for viewing the topics so you may begin where you would like but do note that, for some modules, it may make sense to view a preceding module first (for example, ECG module first before Acute coronary syndrome and Chest X-ray first before Pneumonia or PTB). We have also included a primer on RADISH, the online registry of the department as well as the COVID-19 Pandemic Control Strategies with Information and Communication Technologies. Do check these out as you will be encountering these systems once you begin your clinical work.  The entire Medicine module must be completed by 12:00 am of July 1, 2022 after which access to the exams shall be closed.

The outline of the modules and the corresponding divisions in charge of these are available as a file attached to this page. If you have any questions or clarifications on any aspect of any module, a specific chat boxes for each module will be provided where you may send your concerns and a member of the division responsible for the module shall attend to your inquiries in time.

And when you are done, before you leave this module we would appreciate feedback from you to help improve the course. We have provided a short feedback form for you to access for these inputs. Please do take the time to complete these as your thoughts and ideas are important to us.

For any general concerns you may contact the following:

Gracieux Y. Fernando, MD, MHPEd - LU7 Consultant Coordinator: gyfernando@up.ed

Karl Murillo, MD - LU7 Resident Coordinator: kemurillo@up.edu.ph