Weekly outline

  • General

  • Week 1 (07-09 February 2022)

    Recovery Break 

    To give the students and the faculty time to rest after the end of the First Semester, Dentistry 197:  Seminars will NOT meet during the first two (2) weeks of the 2nd Semester of AY 2021-2022.   It will be the students' prerogative if they want to work on pending Dent198 requirements or follow-up with their Research Adviser, Experts Panel, UPM REB and other contacts during this 2-week period.  

    • Week 2 (10-16 February 2022)

      Recovery Break 

      To give the students and the faculty time to rest after the end of the First Semester, Dentistry 197:  Seminars will NOT meet during the first two (2) weeks of the 2nd Semester of AY 2021-2022.  It will be the students' prerogative if they want to work on pending Dent198 requirements or follow-up with their Research Adviser, Experts Panel, UPM REB and other contacts during this 2-week period.

      • Week 3 (17-23 February 2022)

        Course Orientation

        Guidelines for Final Paper Presentation

        UP Manila Format & Style

        23 February 2022

        Welcome to Dentistry 197!


        This is the third of three research courses that you would need to take to complete your undergraduate research requirements for the degree of Doctor of Dental Medicine.  As discussed in Dentistry 199 and Dentistry 198, you are expected to be a lifelong learner; and thus must be adept with current trends and researches in the field of dentistry.  You will be expected to develop analytical skills to be able to evaluate scientific information to provide safe, effective and responsive health care to your patients.


        For this semester, you are expected to be able to present your research outputs from Dent198.  Proper coordination with institutions (e.g. UPM REB, study site, etc.) and collaboration among your Research Team must be accomplished to be able to complete your Final Paper and disseminate it properly. 


        At the end of this week's activities, you are expected to be able to:

        1.      recall the minimum requirements of the research courses of the Doctor of Dental Medicine program;

        2.   summarize updates on your research project since the end of the previous semester.

        3.     describe the basic guidelines in presenting the Final Paper for your research project; and

        4.   apply the UP Manila Format & Style for Theses and Dissertations in preparing the Final Paper.


        During the Course Orientation, we will discuss how the course will be conducted and how your research project started in Dentistry 199 will culminate in Dentistry 197 through a scientific presentation to an Experts Panel and the preparation of the Final Paper.  Keep the following in mind while you go through the materials and as we discuss how the course will be conducted: 

        ·        Did my group accomplish all the required tasks from Dentistry 198? 

        ·        What information do I need to know about this semester’s course?

        ·        How does this semester’s course link to last semester’s requirements?

        ·        What does my Research Team need to do or improve on to be able to complete the research project by the end of the semester?


        Go through the UP Manila Manual of Format and Style for Theses and Dissertations (check the Course Materials folder).  This will be the general guide in preparing your Final Paper.  Deviations from the format particular to the College of Dentistry will be made available as well.


        • Slide Deck: Course Orientation File
          Restricted Not available unless: The activity Exercise #1: Acceptance of University Notices and Statements is marked complete
        • Handout: Final Paper Format File
          Restricted Not available unless: The activity Exercise #1: Acceptance of University Notices and Statements is marked complete
        • Due: Tuesday, 22 February 2022, 5:00 PM
        • Exercise #2: Updates from December 2021 to January 2022 (Group Task) Assignment
          Due: Tuesday, 1 March 2022, 11:59 PM
          Restricted Not available unless: The activity Exercise #1: Acceptance of University Notices and Statements is marked complete
      • Week 4 (24 February - 02 March 2022)

        Preparing for Research Implementation

        02 March 2022

        As previously discussed, delays in the research process have been seen in the research projects of undergraduate UPCD students.  This has been observed particularly when starting the research implementation once the research proposal is approved by the UPM REB.  We had a workshop in Dentistry 198 for your Group to prepare a research implementation plan that would aid you to initiate the research implementation as soon as your research proposal’s ethical approval (or exemption) is obtained from UPM REB.  This week’s activity is complementary to that session as you need to prepare for possible changes to your data collection plans during research implementation.


        At the end of the session, you are expected to be able to:

        1.      recognize the need to prepare for research implementation;

        2.      manage possible deviations in the methodology encountered during data collection; and

        3.      revise the plan/checklist of the preparatory steps that can be efficiently started once the research proposal is approved/exempted by UPM REB prepared in Dentistry 198.


        Deviations in the research methodology, however detailed it was developed, should be expected.  The study site may suddenly not be available or specimens for experimental studies could not be procured, for example.  Researchers must be ready to revise and adapt without compromising the technical and ethical aspects of the research study.  The session will discuss the challenges these deviations pose, what to do, and the need to report them.


        Keep these questions in mind while we go through this week’s activities:

        ·        What are the things that can be done in preparation for data collection while waiting for the UPM REB approval of the research proposal?

        ·        What are the deviations in the methodology that should be noted and reported?

        ·        What are the things to consider as data collection is on-going?


        Please refer to the Exercise #3 posting for details of the required workshop output.



        Digging Deeper…


        For additional information on when and how to modify approved research protocols, you may explore this webpage of the University of California, Irvine’s Office of Research: 


        • Exercise #3: Plans for Research Implementation (Group Task) Assignment
          Due: Wednesday, 9 March 2022, 11:59 PM
          Restricted Not available unless: The activity Exercise #2: Updates from December 2021 to January 2022 (Group Task) is marked complete
      • Week 5 (03-09 March 2022)

        Library Time

        Research Implementation

        Students should use the time to complete their individual course requirements, to continue collaborating to finish their Group Tasks (e.g. resubmissions to UPM REB), or research implementation.

        • Exercise #4: Draft of Chapter I to Chapter III (Group Task) Assignment
          Due: Tuesday, 15 March 2022, 11:59 PM
          Restricted Not available unless: The activity Exercise #3: Plans for Research Implementation (Group Task) is marked complete
      • Week 6 (10-16 March 2022)

        Research Results and Discussions

        Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

        16 March 2022

        Learning Outcomes

        At the end of the session, you as part of the research group will be able to apply the NGOHS-UPCD format for chapters IV, V and VI of the Dentistry 197 Final Paper.


        Let’s begin!

        The Dentistry 197 Final Paper will follow the basic format of the UP Manila Manual of Format and Style for Theses and Dissertations of the National Graduate Office for the Health Sciences (check the Course Material folder) with some adaptations for the undergraduate final paper of UPCD students.


        While Chapters I to III of the final paper are reformatted from the approved research proposal, Chapters IV, V and VI are based on the results of the research implementation.



        Read through the UP Manila Manual of Format and Style for Theses and Dissertations and the handout on the Final Paper Format.



        For the week’s session, answer the following questions:

                What situation/conditions were present during data collection that may provide context on how the research was implemented?

                How was the collected data analyzed?

                What are the expected findings/results of the research study?

                How do the results of the study compare with previous studies particularly those in the review of literature?

                What are the summary and conclusions of the study?

                What recommendations can be made based on the results? To whom are these recommendations addressed?



                Write the results, discussion, summary, conclusions and recommendations of the research study. 

        Revised from the study guide prepared by Dr. Rose Anne Q. Rosanes (AY 2020-2021)

        • Exercise #5: Draft of Chapter IV, V and VI (Group Task) Assignment
          Due: Wednesday, 30 March 2022, 11:59 PM
          Restricted Not available unless: The activity Exercise #4: Draft of Chapter I to Chapter III (Group Task) is marked complete
      • Week 7 (17-23 March 2022)

        Library Time

        Research Implementation

        Students should use the time to complete their individual course requirements, to continue collaborating to finish their Group Tasks (e.g. resubmissions to UPM REB), preparing for research implementation, data collection, or preparing their Final Paper.

        The Zoom Room will be opened and the Dent197 Faculty will be available for consultation during the official class hour.

        • Exercise #6: Mid-Semester Updates (Group Task) Assignment
          Opened: Thursday, 24 March 2022, 12:00 AM
          Due: Wednesday, 30 March 2022, 11:59 PM
          Restricted Not available unless: The activity Exercise #4: Draft of Chapter I to Chapter III (Group Task) is marked complete
      • Week 8 (24-30 March 2022)

        Research Dissemination:

        Abstract Writing

        Manuscripts and Posters

        Oral Presentations

        Research Competitions

        30 March 2022

        Learning Outcomes

        At the end of the session, you as part of the research group will be able to:

        • Describe the different types of research dissemination;

        • Discuss the importance of disseminating the results of the research;

        • Distinguish appropriate research dissemination activities or publishers for the results of the research; and

        • Design and prepare the research dissemination plan of the completed research.


        Let’s begin!

        The National Ethical Guidelines for Health and Health-related Research (2017) states that research, in particular those with human participants, “can only be justified if the study has social value.” Social value refers to the relevance of the study to an existing social or health problem such that the results are expected to bring about a better understanding of related issues, or contribute to the promotion of well-being of individuals, their families, and communities.


        The social value or significance of the results of a research is not realized if the results are not presented, shared and disseminated so that there may be applications of the recommendations of the study.


        There are different types of research dissemination and these will be discussed in this session.  In Dentistry 197, the final bound paper includes versions of the final paper in publishable manuscript format and a poster.  The student researchers are also expected to give an oral presentation, write an abstract of their research and learn about the possible venues of dissemination such as research competitions.



        ·        Read through different guidelines of reputable academic journals for authors in the preparation of manuscripts.  The following are examples:

        o   Acta Medica Philippina


        o   Philippine Journal of Health Research and Development (PJHRD)


        ·        Read through different guidelines of academic conferences or research competitions for authors in preparing their abstracts for consideration.  An example is the call for abstracts for the International Association for Dental Research General Session and Exhibition.  Important submission elements, tips to stick to the word limit and links to specific research awards are discussed (pages 6-9).  You may access it using this link:  https://www.iadr.org/2022iags/abstract-instructions



        For the week’s session, answer the following questions:

        ·        What is the social value or significance of our group’s research?

        ·        Why should research results be disseminated?  To whom should the results of our research be made known?

        ·        How does one create/write different publishable versions of the research study?



               The research group, in consultation with their Research Adviser, must develop a research dissemination plan.  The Research Team must identify how the results of their research should be disseminated and the intended audience.  Take note that these are different to the ethical reporting of research results to the target/sampling populations. 

        o   Specific journals, symposia or conferences, and other similar activities including research competitions should be determined.

               At the end of the course, the research groups should submit an abstract, poster, manuscript/s of their research with the bound copy of the Final Paper.

        o   Poster/s and manuscript/s to be submitted must follow the guidelines of the conferences/symposia or journal/s determined by the Research Team.


        Revised from the study guide prepared by Dr. Rose Anne Q. Rosanes (AY 2020-2021)


        • Exercise #7: Research Dissemination Plans (Group Task) Assignment
          Due: Wednesday, 20 April 2022, 11:59 PM
          Restricted Not available unless: The activity Exercise #5: Draft of Chapter IV, V and VI (Group Task) is marked complete
      • Week 9 (31 March - 13 April 2022)

        Reference Management for Research Papers

        13 April 2022

        With technological advancements, various software, apps and programs are available to researchers and students in preparing their scientific reports.  These writing aids can increase work efficiency by incorporating database management for easy crosschecking, facilitating in-text citations or aiding in proper formatting.


        At the end of the session, you are expected to be able to:

        1.      recall common reference management programs and functions from word processing softwares;

        2.      practice the use of the reference management programs and functions during a synchronous workshop/demonstration; and

        3.      apply the use of reference management programs and functions in the preparation of your Research Group’s Final Paper.


        You may have encountered different online ads for various writing solutions that would help any writer, particularly students, in preparing their written requirements.  Programs that check for possible plagiarism, improve writing style and grammar, and help you how to manage the various references you have read through in developing your research paper are now available.  For this week, we will have a synchronous session with a short workshop/demonstration on how to use reference management programs or maximize the functions of the basic school/workspace suites that you can access from the University (e.g. MS Office, Adobe Creative Cloud) that you may employ in preparing your final research output.


        In preparation for the session, you may browse the following websites and see what reference management is all about. 

        ·        EndNote (www.endnote.com)

        ·        Mendeley (www.mendeley.com)

        ·        Zotero (www.zotero.org)


        Keep these questions in mind while we go through this week’s activities:

        ·        How do these reference management solutions work?

        ·        How will these reference management solutions aid me and my group in preparing our Final Paper?

        ·        How can I apply these reference management solutions in my academic and professional life?


        If you are using reference management programs for your academic requirements or would like to suggest other websites or apps for the same purpose, be ready to share your experience during the session. 



        Digging Deeper…

        Aside from reference management programs, you may also browse and use the following writing aids in preparing your Final Paper:

        1.      Grammarly to check grammar and spelling or improve style and tone (https://www.grammarly.com/).  You may watch videos about it using this link:  https://www.youtube.com/user/TheGrammarly 

        2.      Turnitin, known as an “anti-plagiarism” tool, it is more apt as a “similarity checker” so the originality of the written work can be assessed (https://www.turnitin.com/). 

        ·        on how to use Turnitin in VLE:  https://help.turnitin.com/integrity/student/moodle.htm

        ·        on how to use Turnitin in Google Docs:  https://help.turnitin.com/integrity/student/draft-coach/using-draft-coach.htm



        To be able to participate in the workshop during the session, students are expected to have installed and had set-up Mendeley Desktop in their gadgets.  Kindly check out the link to the tutorial video for the installation and set-up:  


        Please note that the desktop version is different from the web-based version (the former can be used offline).  Furthermore, the e-mail to be used in the registration should be a personal e-mail address and NOT an institutional e-mail (e.g. your up.edu.ph account).

        There is also an advisory from IMS that there will be a Zoom Transition and Migration on 13-18 April 2022.  Please take note of the alternate Google Meet class link we will use in case Zoom will not be available:


        - - - - -

        Here are additional links for the supplemental videos on adding citations using Mendeley shared by Dr. Guzman: 
      • Week 10 (14-20 April 2022)

        Library Time

        Research Implementation

        Students should use the time to complete their individual course requirements, to continue collaborating to finish their Group Tasks, or preparing for their Final Paper presentation.

        • Exercise #8A: Notice of Final Paper Presentation (Group Task) Assignment
          Due: Wednesday, 20 April 2022, 5:00 PM
          Restricted Not available unless: The activity Exercise #7: Research Dissemination Plans (Group Task) is marked complete
        • Exercise #8B: Final Paper for Presentation Assignment
          Due: Wednesday, 20 April 2022, 5:00 PM
          Restricted Not available unless: The activity Exercise #8A: Notice of Final Paper Presentation (Group Task) is marked complete
      • Week 11 (21-27 April 2022)

        Final Paper Presentations

        Session 1

        27 April 2022

        9:30AM to 10:45AM

        10:45AM to 12:00PM

        • Exercise #8C: Video Presentation (Group Task) Assignment
          Due: Friday, 29 April 2022, 11:59 PM
          Restricted Not available unless: The activity Exercise #8B: Final Paper for Presentation is marked complete
        • Exercise #8D: Summary of Comments and Revised Final Paper (Group Task) Assignment
          Due: Wednesday, 4 May 2022, 5:00 PM
          Restricted Not available unless: The activity Exercise #8B: Final Paper for Presentation is marked complete
        • Due: Wednesday, 27 April 2022, 5:00 PM
      • Week 12 (28 April - 04 May 2022)

        Final Paper Presentations

        Session 2

        04 May 2022

        9:30AM to 10:45AM

        10:45AM to 12:00PM

      • Week 13 (05-11 May 2022)

        Final Paper Presentations

        Session 3

        11 May 2022

        9:30AM to 10:45AM

        10:45AM to 12:00PM

        (Posting here as the Announcements are not being pushed to e-mails)

        Hope everybody is doing well. 

        As there are no scheduled Final Paper Presentations on Wednesday, 11 May 2022, there will be no synchronous session.  You may use the time to complete your pending course requirements. 

        The Dent197 Faculty can be available during the official class hour on Wednesday, 11 May 2022, if your Research Group would need to discuss the status of your research project.  Kindly reply to this thread or send an e-mail to mfmendoza3@up.edu.ph if we will be expecting you.


        Thank you and keep safe. 

        And chin up.  Tomorrow is another day.

      • Week 14 (12-18 May 2022)

        UPM REB Post-Approval Submissions

        18 May 2022

        9:30AM to 10:30AM

        Learning Outcomes

        At the end of the session, the student-researchers will be able to properly report and accomplish the University of the Philippines Research Ethics Board post-approval submission forms.


        Let’s begin!

        After the research ethics approval or exemption has been obtained and the research team implements the research, there may be amendments or changes in the proposal that are done which should be reported.  This session should complement the discussions on preparing for research implementation with the reporting and submission of these amendments or deviations in the proposal, reporting of continuing implementation of research, until the final report on the results of the research.



        For the week’s session, answer the following questions:

                What should the research team and the principal investigators do after the research proposal is exempted or approved by UPM REB?

                What UPM REB forms should be accomplished?  How are they accomplished?



                Read through and understand when to accomplish and when to submit the UPM REB post-approval submission forms.  You may access the forms using the link  https://reb.upm.edu.ph/sops-and-forms under “SOP III”:

                UPMREB FORM 3(A)2012 Study Protocol Amendment Submission Form_ver 2019

                UPMREB FORM 3(B)2012 Continuing Review Application Form_ver 2019

                UPMREB FORM 3(C)2012 Final Report Form_ver 2020_clean

                UPMREB FORM 3(D)2012 Study NonCompliance Report_ver 2019


        Dig Deeper

                Should you want or need further information about UP Manila ethocs review, you may visit the UPM REB website at https://reb.upm.edu.ph/



        Revised from the study guide prepared by Dr. Rose Anne Q. Rosanes (AY 2020-2021)

        Final Paper Presentations

        Session 4

        18 May 2022

        10:45AM to 12:00PM

      • Week 15 (19-25 May 2022)

        Course Synthesis

        25 May 2022

        9:30AM to 10:30AM

        Final Paper Presentations

        Session 5

        25 May 2022

        10:45AM to 12:00PM

        • Due: Wednesday, 25 May 2022, 5:00 PM
        • Exercise #10A: Submit Final Paper Assignment
          Due: Wednesday, 25 May 2022, 5:00 PM
          Restricted Not available unless: The activity Exercise #8D: Summary of Comments and Revised Final Paper (Group Task) is marked complete
        • Exercise #10B: Proof of Submission of Final report to UPM REB Assignment
          Due: Wednesday, 25 May 2022, 5:00 PM
          Restricted Not available unless: The activity Exercise #8B: Final Paper for Presentation is marked complete

        Dentistry 197 Final Examinations Schedule to be determined by the Office of the College Secretary.