SGD 2: Orthopedic Implants and Health System

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain the general principles of referring patients for tertiary Orthopedic care

  • Identify factors that influence access to specialized care (implants, prostheses, etc) and similar devices in Orthopedic care

  • Recognize the impact of Orthopedic conditions and management in the national health system

Required attendees: All interns

Facilitator: LU7 consultant coordinator or a designated faculty of the Department

Schedule: End of second week (Friday, after conference)

Venue: Ortho library(Spine building 4th floor)/Hybrid/Online

Duration: 1-2 hours

Evaluation: Formative

Format of Activity:

  • A student may be asked to summarize the index cases

  • The facilitator asks questions on the management of the index cases based on the following assumptions:

    • The students are in a primary case setting

    • The knowledge and skills are at the level after internship in PGH

  • The students may give feedback on the rotation and may ask additional clarificatory questions 

Index Cases:

Guide questions:

These are the core questions. Additional questions may also be asked.

  1. What are the relevant considerations in treating  common injuries of the extremities?

    1. Who needs to be treated in a tertiary center?

    2. What factors influence the decision to recommend subspecialty care?

    3. In a resource limited setting, what factors must be considered to optimize treatment of limb injuries?

  2. What relevant information may be relevant to discuss the use of implants for fractures with patients?

    1. Who pays for implants in the Philippines

    2. What is the best material for internal implants?

    3. When and why should we remove implants?

    4. What is the usual out-of-pocket cost of having an Orthopedic surgery in the Philippines?

Last modified: Thursday, 13 July 2023, 9:21 AM