Why OrthoRoCKs! for Interns

Instructions for the Day

We have designed an asynchronous curriculum to allow a more relaxed schedule of self-directed learning. The task for the day is to go through the uploaded materials in preparation for the actual rotation in Orthopedics. We suggest going through them in the sequence that they are listed. Please take note that some of the tasks need not be accomplished today and will be further tackled later.

The materials will be available here (and/or in a separate Ortho 260 course) beyond today and will be updated with relevant materials during the second phase of internship. 

Obviously, the allotted time cannot cover all relevant topics in Orthopedics. If you are interested to know more, we highly recommend signing-up for our annual review course OrthoRoCKs SE7EN for FREE!(See primer below) from July 24-September 18, 2020 by following this link: https://forms.gle/z6BqTCHewEeV7AYV6

Lastly, there will be a post-test to assess retention of important concepts, based solely on the review materials.  Please make sure that you can be online on the agreed time as it will be part of the final grade for internship of those rotating in Ortho.

For concerns/comments/suggestions, don't hesitate to contact us through:

    Sarah Gavino (resident monitor) -  sjgavino@up.edu.ph

    Nathaniel Orillaza Jr. (consultant coordinator -nsorillaza@up.edu.ph