Course Outcomes

MHPEd program outcomes:

The NTTCHP graduate of the Master of Health Professions Education (MHPEd) program is envisioned to be a Health Professions Educator with: 

  1. Effective communication skills in written and oral form

  2. Outstanding professionalism and sense of service to the Filipino people

  3. Cultural competence and ability to collaborate with other health professionals

  4. Ability to develop context-based macro and micro-plans for health professions education

  5. Advanced teaching skills with evidence-based application

  6. Skills in developing and implementing educational evaluation plans

  7. Ability  to utilize and analyze existing evidence in the production of new, relevant, and updated evidence

  8. Effective educational leadership abilities and administration skills

Course Outcomes:

The NTTCHP student who has completed this course shall be able to demonstrate ability to:

  1. Effectively communicate to an interprofessional audience, organization and management concepts and management plans in both written and oral form

  2. Identify the significance and rationale of their management plans in answering the needs of their own organization and its alignment with the needs of the Filipino people

  3. Collaborate with other health professionals in the production of course outputs

  4. Develop relevant and context-based management plans for their chosen programs aligned with the goals of their own organization and with the national goals

  5. Critique other management plans based on a sound evaluation criteria

  6. Apply effective teaching skills in presenting organization and management concepts

  7. Utilize and analyze existing evidence in the production of a research project related to the organization and its management

  8. Lead classroom groups effectively


Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to:
  1. Identify their own organization’s role within the national plan
  2. Discuss the basic principles of organization and management
  3. Differentiate the different management and leadership styles
  4. Analyze the organizational operation of his/her own institution based on the basic principles of organization and management
  5. Clarify his/her role within the organization he/she belongs to
  6. Identify strategies for introducing changes/improvements in his/her own institution
  7. Develop a do-able management plan for a specific program in his/her own institution based on a sound organizational analysis
  8. Utilize relevant current scholarly work in the production of written and oral outputs
  9. Communicate effectively using various forms of media

Last modified: Tuesday, 3 September 2024, 6:07 AM