by Aeon Aica Diolola -
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1. Platysma

Origin: fascia of the pectoral and deltoid muscles

Insertion: medial fibers insert onto the lower border of the mandible or the skin of the lower lip

Action: releases pressure of skin on the subjacent veins, depresses mandible, pulls angle of mouth downwards 

2. Mentalis

Origin: mental protuberance of the mandible near the midline

Insertion: angle of mouth, intermingle with other muscles, extends further into skin of lower lip up to midline

Action: elevates and portrudes the lower lip, accentuates the nasolabial furrow

3. Orbicular oris

Origin: from the modiolus on each side

Insertion: onto the skin and mucous membrane of lips

Action: closes the lips to narrow oral opening

4. Corrugator supercilii

Origin: superciliary arch

Insertion: onto the deep surface of the skin of the eyebrow

Action: draws eyebrows in an inferomedial direction, produces vertical wrinkles of the forehead in frowning 

5. Orbicularis oculi

Origin: nasal part of the frontal bone

Insertion: lateral palpebral ligament

Action: closing eyelids both voluntarily and involuntary

6. Occipitofrontalis

Origin: lateral two-thirds of the superior nuchal line of the occipital bone

Insertion: nears into the epicranial aponeurosis

Action: moves the scalp forward, lifts eyebrows with the upper eyelid skin