by Yssabel Cristina Pascual -
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1) Platysma

  • Origin: Upper thoracic and shoulder regions from a fascia that covers the pectoralis major and deltoid muscles.
  • Insertion: Mandible
  • Action: Depresses mandible and lowering inferior lips

2) Mentalis

  • Origin: Mandible
  • Insertion: Skin of chin
  • Action: Depresses lower lip

3) Orbicularis Oris

  • Origin: Maxilla and mandible
  • Insertion: Skin at corner of mouth
  • Action: Compresses and protrudes lips

4) Corrugator supercilia

  • Origin: Medial end of superciliary arches
  • Insertion: Skin above middle of supraorbital margin
  • Action: Draws eyebrow downward and medially; wrinkles skin of forehead vertically

5) Orbicularis oculi

  • Origin: Nasal part of frontal bone, frontal process of maxilla, medial palpebral ligament, and lacrimal bone.
  • Insertion: Skin of orbital region
  • Action: Closes eye

6) Occipitofrontalis

  • Origin: Skin of eyebrow, muscles of forehead, superior nuchal line
  • Insertion: Epicranial aponeurosis
  • Action: Elevates eyebrows, wrinkles skin of forehead, retracts scalp