Activity 1

BONDOC, John Michael

BONDOC, John Michael

by John Michael Bondoc -
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1. When an area is traumatized vasoconstriction happens to reduce blood loss and inflammation happens. Vasodilation then happens to allow clotting and antibodies and other substances to flow into the traumatized area which results to swelling. Phagocytosis then happens which cleans the wound to prepare it for repair. The repair process then begins which reduces inflammation.

2. Innate immunity is the body’s first line of defense which provides immediate protection and from the word “innate” it is already present from birth. The skin is an example of an innate immunity which acts as our first line of defense in the body. The skin prevents outside chemicals and pathogens to enter inside the body. The skin secretes substances which creates an environment that does not allow pathogens to live. Mucous Membrane is also an example as it helps trap bacteria. Macrophages and Neutrophils are white blood cells that help in immune response as well as destroying or “eating” bacteria which are an example of innate immunity as well.