What am I looking for in the next Dean of the UP College of Nursing?

What am I looking for in the next Dean of the UP College of Nursing?

What am I looking for in the next Dean of the UP College of Nursing?

by Joan Danielle Gigataras -
Number of replies: 0

1) What are 2 leadership traits that you would like in a leader of an academic institution and why?

The 2 leadership traits that I would like in a leader of an academic institution are being student-centered, and being dedicated to excellence and advocacy. I believe that listening to the students' concerns, collaborating with them, and advocating for their needs is crucial in creating a supportive learning environment where students can thrive. Addressing the call for student support services and diversity empowers the students and improves their overall well-being. A leader should also embody the values of the learning institution and be committed to honing her craft and fulfilling advocacy work.  In this way, the leader inspires her constituents to create a meaningful relationship with her and work together toward common goals. I believe that institutions should also engage with the community and push for their advocacies at local and national levels, as we do not exist in silos but as contributing changemakers of society.

2) Name one leadership skill that will be beneficial for an academic institution and give a short explanation how and why it will be beneficial.

I think one leadership skill that is beneficial for an academic institution is communication. Working in an academic institution means not only working with faculty, staff, and students but also with many alumni, stakeholders, and partners. Being a skilled communicator enables one to bridge the gap between different people and make complex ideas easier to understand. There must be an open line of communication where there are avenues to express concerns freely and receive clear and consistent messages/updates. This provides the individuals involved with a sense of ownership of the institution, thus encouraging them to be active participants in the college's initiatives.

3) From the consultation with students, name one key point/idea/strategy that struck you or felt close to you. Give a short explanation how/why this issue or strategy is relevant to you.

One key strategy that struck me is the need for closer collaboration between the students and the administration to amplify the students' calls and take action. This is relevant to me because I believe that student representation in working committees ensures that the voices of the students are heard and given importance. Personally, I would love to coordinate with more student support services such as financial aid (for costs of uniforms, paraphernalia, vaccinations, housing, etc.) and mental health support, have a reduced academic workload with more achievable pacing of discussions, enjoy student-friendly spaces within the college,  and join more advocacy-based events and outreach activities as a student nurse. I believe these are all components of an inclusive learning environment where there is real learning without compromising the quality of education. When we put together the ideas of the students and the resources of the administration, we can bring to life more initiatives that do not only benefit the student body but the community as a whole.