Activity 2

Activity 2 - TAMPOS

Activity 2 - TAMPOS

by Carl Tampos -
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Choose one concept in our lesson today, give a brief explanation about the concept and cite how would you apply this learning in your everyday life.

Although it is simple to label inflammation as bad, it is a normal and natural part of our body’s immune response. Inflammation is a defense mechanism of our immune system to protect our bodies from injury, illness, or infection. Without inflammation, we would not be able to recover from a lot of conditions. White blood cells from your body release substances into your blood or tissues to fight off invaders when inflammation happens. This diverts the blood flow to the location of injury or infection, which can cause redness and warmth. Some of the chemicals cause fluid to leak into your tissues, resulting in swelling. We can determine whether elevated levels of inflammatory activity are beneficial and dangerous by understanding the process of inflammation.