Activity 2. Reflection

PERALTA, Arianne Pauline A. - Activity 2. Reflection

PERALTA, Arianne Pauline A. - Activity 2. Reflection

by Arianne Pauline Peralta -
Number of replies: 0

1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

  • This course is challenging as it is. To understand numerous structures, mechanisms, and lessons is no easy feat. Given the pandemic situation, the course understandably had to be delivered in an online setting which made it all the more challenging to fully absorb the materials. I foresee myself encountering trouble in application, more so the stark difference between the digital representation and actual structure of the body parts. Obviously, real-life structures will be more complex than colored digital images and so I can already predict the struggle I will be facing. Apart from this, there are far too many lessons that I have to learn but I understand that this is what I have to go through if I want to be a medical professional someday.

2. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

  • There is no other choice but to study. It is high time that I adopt a sustainable study routine which enables me to understand most, if not all, of the lessons in a faster time. I found that the pomodoro technique doesn’t completely work for me because it suddenly disrupts my productivity. I realized that I should just let my productivity flow and take breaks when I know I am not picking anything up anymore. Furthermore, I should use a variety of techniques to cater my situation and capabilities best. So far, I found that taking the time to digest the contents of the reference  book, creating transes, using spaced repetition through flashcards, and revising by samplex ratio help me best. The bottomline is, I really want to see myself improve in understanding anatomy and physiology because I find it very interesting. I should remind myself that studying better can help me achieve my dreams.