Activity 2. Reflection

AYUYAO, Louisse Julianna P_Activity 2

AYUYAO, Louisse Julianna P_Activity 2

by Louisse Julianna Ayuyao -
Number of replies: 0

1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

I think one of my greatest challenges when it comes to applying lessons from anatomy would be maximizing my ability to visualize and conceptualize outside of the text that I read. This became especially obvious to me during our very first long exam--there were several questions that involved concepts or body parts I'd read about, but I did not understand how to apply textual-based knowledge to other situations simply through analysis. 


2. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

As of the moment, without being exposed to clinical situations, I believe that the best way I can overcome this particular challenge would be for me to explore sample "cases" or situations (I believe there are some provided in medical books and the like). With this, I could try to understand the step-by-step reasoning behind how their particular illness or injury came to be, as well as the possible steps to counter them. I tend to focus too much on the objective "facts" without really understanding them on a deeper level, so this is what I need to work on the most.