Activity 2. Reflection

VILLAS, Hannah Monica V. - Activity 2. Reflection

VILLAS, Hannah Monica V. - Activity 2. Reflection

by Hannah Monica Villas -
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  1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

Anatomy and Physiology is a subject that if you study it, you have to learn it properly and thoroughly. Our body is a wonder and there are so many terms, mechanisms, processes, and the like that can describe what our body looks like and how it functions. Knowing this, it is also important to note that studying this subject is complex. Given the setup now which is virtual learning, I must admit that it was difficult learning such an intricate subject in this setting. It would’ve been better if classes were conducted physically but due to circumstances, we cannot. Classes would’ve also been better if we can see some models for ourselves and study them closely rather than just our screens. The way that we also had to conduct self study made it more complicated. Although it still has its pros and cons because one of the pros is that the time is in our hands. However, the con is that the teachings of someone who is experienced in the subject is better than the teachings we give to ourselves during our self studies. The quality of the understanding during a live lesson is different from our own. I actually encountered Anatomy and Physiology back in 9th grade as I chose it for my special program. I must admit that my memory was better back then and that my understanding was clearer compared to now because I was not used to studying this kind of subject in this setup so I had to make adjustments in order for me to be able to study and understand the lessons in much deeper level since college Anatomy and Physiology is more detailed than what I had when I was in grade 9.

  1. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

As I have mentioned, the time is in my hands. I have to maintain what I’ve been doing in terms of time management in order to maintain the flow of the workload and in order for me to not get overwhelmed by the amount of to do and to learn. This virtual setting is something that somehow we have already grown accustomed to. It actually made me learn to look for more resources and not just what is given in front of me if I want to learn more and delve deeper into the topic. Looking for and using resources and references in studying is an important thing to do especially when we are given guides of what to study. I always tell myself that it is important to be flexible even if it is difficult in order to do things effectively and efficiently. I would also like to emphasize that taking care of our overall health is very much needed because the only way that we can study better is when we feel better.