Activity 2. Reflection

GONZALES, Aldrix J. - Activity 2: Reflection

GONZALES, Aldrix J. - Activity 2: Reflection

by Aldrix Gonzales -
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  1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

So far with the lessons that we’ve tackled, I believe the biggest challenge I will encounter in applying all that I have learned is the appropriateness and accuracy of applying all of it. I say this because even though we have gained knowledge or mastery of the concepts of both the anatomical and physiological components of our body’s systems, I think what’s going to pose a problem is that we haven’t really experienced or seen these systems and processes in real time. Though it is definitely true that mastery of such would be key in better applying the concepts, I still believe that having seen or experienced them in a real-life situation or set-up would be an edge. Moreover, retention and competency of the complex ideas of anatomy and physiology would be better if learning them would be done with tangible, real-time samples and paraphernalia. 

  1. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

Since having personal and real-time experiences would not be easy, I think what I can do is to expose myself with more resources outside of textbooks. Personally, I find videos and audio-visual presentations that are interactive to be more helpful in making me understand such complicated concepts. Not only does it allow me to visualize the processes being discussed in textbooks, but it also helps me understand these processes and concepts in an in-depth perspective. That is why I am really looking forward to having face-to-face classes already because I know that even if I get to struggle in juggling and absorbing all of the information about concepts in anatomy and physiology, it will still do me well to discuss these in a more visual and interactive setting which may allow actual representations or diagrams that the professor would make use during our lectures.