Topic Choice Forum

Mary Rose's 3 Topics

Mary Rose's 3 Topics

by Mary Rose Enares -
Number of replies: 1

Topic of Choice for White Paper:

1. Record matching and linkage

  • how to ensure privacy and confidentially of PT identification in reporting especially with third party involvement?

2. Public health and biosurveillance

  • What are factors that affects health data from HIS during public health reporting is most relevant, Quality or time sensitivity?

3. Mobile technology and wearables

  • How Passive analytics can be also a determinant of pt compliance to treatment regimen?
In reply to Mary Rose Enares

Re: Mary Rose's 3 Topics

by Iris Thiele Isip-Tan -
Good topics for white papers are those where people do not agree or there are no set answers. Hence as we discussed, your first topic might not be good in that we already have strategies for this. But would you like to pivot this topic into raising awareness about linking data sets. The public may not be aware of how their health data may for example be linked to their mobile app data or social media profiles. The number two topic, what is the problem you would like to solve? The number three topic is particularly interesting as usually there is no API for wearable data to get into the EMR. So your call to action may be about that.