Topic Choice Forum

Winona's Topics

Winona's Topics

by Winona Janelli De Jesus -
Number of replies: 1

1. Interoperability: Lack of semantics: common data set for outpatient/ambulatory clinics

2. Emergening Technologies: How to improve disease early disease detection for communicable diseases? NLP on COVID-19 detection on social media

3. Technology adoption: Difficult to select EMR. Strategies for ambulatory clinics on EMR selection/adoption

In reply to Winona Janelli De Jesus

Re: Winona's Topics

by Iris Thiele Isip-Tan -
I've submitted a paper for publication on tweets and COVID 19 and I can tell you that NLP has limits when two languages i.e. English and Filipino are used. Is your call to action NLP using the Filipino language? A white paper on selecting EMR is promising. Who will be your audience?