Unmet Need and Practice of Family Planning

Unmet Need and Practice of Family Planning

Unmet Need and Practice of Family Planning

by John Matthew Reyes -
Number of replies: 0

1. What do you think are the reasons of high unmet need of FP in the Philippines?

I think the high unmet need of family planning is due to the surrounding misconceptions regarding it. There may be some of the couples who think that family planning may be dangerous and is only limited to one type. One should take note that all kinds of family planning methods are effective, depending on what type of method is best chosen by the couple or individual. There are also other types of family planning methods available, where couples or individuals are free to choose that best suit them or they are comfortable with.

I also think that poverty and lack of allocated budget towards the health sector influence the lack of implementation of family planning nationwide. With the proposed 2022 budget for the public hospitals (Buan, 2021), this would not only affect the health workers, but also the quality and availability of health care services provided on these institutions. With the reduced allocated budget, this may reduce the number of people who depend upon public institutions. Thus, access to services such as family planning consultations and availing of PhilHealth-covered family planning methods, such as bilateral tubal ligation, vasectomy, etc., may become limited or may impose fees to pay.

Even if Reproductive Health law exists, I think the high unmet need of family planning can also be attributed towards the lack of complete implementation of RH law in terms of access to family planning and health education towards it. Given that there are some families who do not have access to health care facilities and that there is lack of health care facilities, not all of the families are granted with opportunities to be educated about the concept of family planning. Thus, the never-ending perpetuating high number of unwanted and unintended pregnancies still continues. With its incomplete implementation, some couples may become unaware of different natural family planning methods, where it teaches the proper time for unprotected sex. This is applicable to those who cannot afford the costs of some modern contraception methods, which may require the use of condoms, vaginal ring, and oral contraceptives. There are also some couples who mainly practice withdrawal method, which is not as very effective as the wearing of condom itself (Langmaid, n.d.), since 22 out of 100 women get pregnant every year.


2. What are ways you can suggest to increase the practice of FP in the country? Give least 1-2 suggestions.

Here are my following suggestions to increase the practice of family planning in the country:

a. Incorporate family planning methods to every health program conducted on a barangay level in order to increase the educational opportunities of those people belonging to the marginalized sectors and impoverished areas.

b. Identify those families who have physical, economic, and cultural barriers to be able to design the family planning teaching in the most appropriate and effective way.

c. Be an advocate and utilize social media by disseminating information on the concept and methods of family planning which aims to reach different people of different socioeconomic backgrounds.



Buan, L. (2021, September 15). Health Workers Hit Budget Cuts in Public Hospitals Amidst Fight vs COVID-19. Rappler. https://www.rappler.com/nation/health-workers-hit-cuts-public-hospitals-2022-budget/

Department of Health. (n.d.). Dealing with Myths & Misconceptions in Family Planning. https://doh.gov.ph/book/export/html/1047

Langmaid, S. (n.d.). Pull Out Method (Withdrawal). WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/sex/birth-control/pull-out-withdrawal