Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

by Darielle Louise Joven -
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Pre-hospital emergency care is a critical component of the healthcare system and is necessary to improve the outcomes of trauma injuries and other time-sensitive illnesses. In low to middle income countries like the Philippines, these cases lead to preventable disabilities and early death. Prehospital emergency care provides  early, fast, and effective treatment needed to sustain the patient and prevent further complications as they are transferred to a facility equipped with advanced medical care. It is necessary for timely access to healthcare needed by patients to prevent premature mortality and early disability. As seen in Ambulansyang de paa, the coverage of our pre-hospital emergency care is far from ideal, only existent in urban areas where people have arguably, more access to healthcare services. Even with adequate pre-hospital care and transfer services, health facilities in rural areas and GIDA are not equipped to handle emergency conditions, or even advanced illnesses which just goes to show that pre-hospital care is just one part of a system. Without other proper functioning parts, ergo a fully equipped and functioning end transfer facility and accessible roads/ terraine-appropriate transfer vehicles, the contribution of  adequate and effective pre-hospital care in the improvement of patient outcome, would only be negated. In the Philippines, with limited health resources, due to many socio-political reasons that will require a separate section, the country could  benefit a lot from pre-hospital care as it decreases hospital stay of patients, prevent further complications, and improve disability outcomes of patients reducing health costs and burden for both the patient and the healthcare system leading to a more effective use of our health resources.

 Mehmood, A., Rowther, A.A., Kobusingye, O. et al. Assessment of pre-hospital emergency medical services in low-income settings using a health systems approach. Int J Emerg Med 11, 53 (2018).