Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

by Tranquil Matthew Salvador -
Number of replies: 0

Prehospital care is important especially in cases wherein adequate tertiary or specialized care is not made readily available to patients in far-flung areas, as is depicted in the documentary. This comprises the manpower, resources, and skills needed to temporize certain life-threatening conditions before patients get transferred to higher-level centers. Unfortunately, many places in the Philippines do not have access to good prehospital care, let alone basic healthcare. This is detrimental to patient outcomes, as there are certain readily available materials (oxygen, fluids, inotropes, among others) that could be ideally provided by rural health centers and that can improve patient condition before being handed off for definitive treatment. Prehospital care can also comprise health education and prevention, another way in which the incidence and progression of disease can be abated through preventive measures such as smoking cessation, antibiotic prophylaxis, etc. All these put together, prehospital care improves access to further healthcare in two ways: 1) by temporizing disease progression in acute life-threatening diseases, thereby making longer wait times for higher-level centers feasible and making these centers accessible; and 2) by preventing disease incidence and progression, thus making healthcare more accessible for other more emergent concerns.