Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang de Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang de Paa: Collaborative Discussion

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For patients with acute life-threatening conditions, prompt intervention is needed in order to prevent the patient's condition from progressing even further and to prevent morbidity and mortality. The documentary highlights just how alarming the situation in the Philippines is with regards to pre-hospital care. Accessibility is such a glaring problem affecting the portion of the population in most need of healthcare. Those in far-flung areas are unable to get the care they need even for relatively common or (supposedly) non-life-threatening diseases due to the lack of resources in their community and the costs of receiving proper healthcare. Suppose a proper pre-hospital care system were in place, then people like those seen in the documentary may have more of a fighting chance.

This systemic problem is painfully evident and it needs to be handled properly. Proper support and provision/allocation of healthcare resources are needed in order to help communities improve their pre-hospital care systems. Inter-sectoral collaboration is also needed so that the problem may be tackled from different fronts. Problems in physical accessibility, personnel, and material resources all have to be addressed so that local health centers may be able to provide the proper and much-needed care for patients and improve outcomes.