Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansya de Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansya de Paa: Collaborative Discussion

by Karmel Althea Samonte -
Number of replies: 0

Public health has repeatedly emphasized the necessity of pre-hospital care to improving individuals' prognosis and quality of life. Despite this fact, the majority of the Philippine population remains untreated due to the absence of facilities and human health resources. This problem will unfortunately affect all patients, irregardless of the severity and diagnosis of any patient. The problem with this inaccessibility is that even the simplest diseases that can be easily treated are unfortunately presumed fatal for patients. 

Indirectly, this violates the rights of these Filipinos to access to proper healthcare and yet there still is no tangible solution in sight. Promises have been set by the recently passed Universal Healthcare Law, and hopefully it tackles the increasing morbidity and mortality related to the lack of community health resources. The end goal should be the existence of local health centers capable of a.) stabilizing acute life-threatening conditions,  b.) treating common benign diseases, and c.) immediate transportation to higher healthcare institutions should local facility be unable to control patient's medical concerns.