Use of Technology in Teaching: Show me the evidence!

Assignment Overview:

The COVID 19 pandemic accelerated the use of technology in education (both hardware and software). Accelerated because most of these EdTech have been with us for several decades. I used wordstar and Lotus 123 in the late 80's in preparing my lectures and presentations. Well, of course I shifted to more user friendly MS applications when they became available in the early 90's which also by the way resulted in the demise of our wordstar, lotus, and even wordperfect. For those with higher budget, MAC systems were preferred as they come as all in one set (Monitor plus PC, no need to setup) and marked the beginning of what was then called WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) monitor outputs. Microsoft eventually followed with its MS Windows and the entry of MS word, MS PPT, and MS Excel. In the area of online access, emails were then dominated by Yahoo Mail and AOL. Facebook is not yet the social networking application of choice but Friendster and MySpace. 
Indeed, we have come  a long way since the 80's Ed Tech. One important thing to highlight is that during the early years of EdTech, they were used mostly to deliver content as internet speed in the 80's is through the use of dial ups at speed of just about 112kbps (compared to current basic speed of about 20mpbs). While 112 kbps is enough to use VOIP (voice over internet protocol), it was not enough for real time image and video sharing. While writing this message, I did a speed test of my mobile phone's 5G connection and it clocked 152Mbps for downloads and 42Mbps for upload, the speed is fast enough to be able to stream full HD videos online. Appropriate hardware, software, and fast connectivity made it possible to do additional things beside sharing of resources. The additional 'thing' of course is the possibility of real time interaction between learners and facilitators of learning which eventually led to the development of EdTech educational approaches and strategies.
I have identified some of them. You have been assigned a group mate to do a review of these approaches and strategies and then to share your review findings to the bigger group.


Reporting by Group

Date: TBA


  1. Reporting Teams.
    •  |MOOCs (Ellen and Anna and Carlo Mendoza)
    •  |Video Conferencing platforms (e.g. zoom, google meet, etc) (Girelle and Jessamae, Patchie)
    •  |Web based learning (Moodle, Google Classroom) (Christine and Blanche and Diana Rose)
    • | Social Networking platform (Facebook, Viber, Tiktok, etc.) (Carlos, KC, Sherry)
    •  |Simulation, Games, AI (e.g. Chatgpt) (Jojo and Pepe and Melai)
  2. Search for recent journal articles (at least two per technology) on the use of technology in teaching. Concentrate on articles related to your assigned topics. (Note: MHPEd Theses during the last two years mostly covered use of technology in teaching during COVID. You may want to request our librarian for copies of theses)
  3. Review available articles related to the topics.
  4. Present result of your review.