Topic outline

  • General

  • Course Information

  • Unit 1: The Educational Challenges of the 21st Century

  • Are we there yet?

    After we have discussed the characteristics of the 21st Century educational realities, do you think you are ready to face the challenges moving forward?

    Individual activity 1: A self reflection on my own readiness for the 21st Century Challenges in Teaching and Learning. (read this ISTE standard for educator to serve as your guide)

    Time Frame: September 3, 2024

  • Unit 2: TPACK | Overview

    Dates: TBA

  • This topic

    Topic 2.1 Pedagogical Knowledge

  • Unit 2.2. Technological Knowledge

    Dates: TBA

  • Topic 2.3. | Content Knowledge

    Dates: TBA

  • Unit 3: Your TPACK Project | Putting Them All Together

    In this final project, you will develop a technology enhanced instructional design. You can either start from scratch or convert an existing design into a TPACK based design. Your final paper need not be a big educational educational program. It could just be a one-day training or if organized by unit or topic, could just cover one to two topics. What is important is the integration of technology in the design.

  • Unit 4: Technology Insights

    This unit is dedicated for some technical sharing. Weeks before this unit, your faculty will do a survey on the list of technology related topics that you want to discuss with your faculty in charge.  

    Using OBS (as shown below) is one example.

  • Course Evaluation

    • Post Course Evaluation Survey
      Restricted Available from 8 January 2025