
Due: Tuesday, 17 December 2024, 9:00 PM

HP 211 ePortfolio

The objective of this portfolio is to express your reflections and learnings from the different curricular concepts discussed during the course. 

Format of the portfolio:

Using Google sites or Canvas, or any other program for creation of a site, create one to house your Curriculum Design e-Portfolio.

Give your site a title.  Be as creative as you can be. You may design it in any way you want to.

Table of contents/ Pages

Home Page (Introduce your portfolio.  What can we expect to read and see in it? Introduce yourself. Provide some background about yourself)


  • Define curriculum in your own words and the varied elements that can affect its development.
  • Reflection:  How did HP 211 change your perception of the curriculum? What is the most important element in its design, implementation, and evaluation process?

*Choose at least three main outputs from class which you would like to share as evidence of your learnings here in class.  These can include any of the following types:

  • Written outputs
  • Video or photos
  • Other evidence of learning

For each evidence, provide a Reflection:

1. What are my strengths and weaknesses in this work?  What did I discover about myself while going through the process of creating this work?

2. What improved most? What still needs to be improved?  How do I plan to do it?

Course Take-aways (What have you learned from the course about yourself, your institution, your classmates, and about the curriculum design process?)

  • Letter to the next HP 211 students (If you were to write a letter to the next HP 211 student, what will you tell them? This will serve as your over-all reflection of what you’ve learned from this course.)

Copy and paste the URL of your site in the submission page for the e-portfolio in the uVLE.  Submit not later than Dec 17, 2024 before 9:00pm.  Your ePortfolio will be evaluated using the rubric below:









Required items



All required items  are included and completed.

All required items are included, with some incomplete tasks.

Only 70% of required items are included.

Only 50% of required items are included.



Reflections illustrate relevant learnings from meaningful course experiences.

Reflections illustrate some relevant learnings from meaningful course experiences.

Reflections illustrate some relevant learnings not related to course experiences.

Reflections illustrate minimal relevant learnings.

Showcase of Outputs


Included adequate  relevant  outputs that truly showcase their progress and achievements in class.

Included some relevant  outputs that truly showcase their progress and achievements in class.

Included outputs that do not showcase their progress and achievements in class.

No relevant  outputs that truly showcase their progress and achievements in class were included.

Overall Presentation


Items are clearly introduced, well organized, and creatively displayed within a relevant unifying theme.

Items are introduced, well organized within a unifying theme.

Items are introduced and somewhat organized, with no unifying theme.

Items are not introduced and lack organization within a unifying theme.



All images, media or text created by others are cited with accurate, properly formatted citations.

Most images, media or text created by others are cited with accurate, properly formatted citations.

Some of the images, media or text created by others are not cited with accurate, properly formatted citations.

No images, media or text created by others are cited with accurate, properly formatted citations.