Exercise #9: Plans for Research Implementation (Group Task)

Due: Wednesday, 1 December 2021, 11:59 PM
View Make a submission

A Google Docs template is available for the Workshop on “Preparing for Research Implementation.”  Create and save a copy of the template that you and your groupmates can use.  You are expected to collaborate on the task, and the preparation of the Google Docs is hoped to facilitate it.  Kindly use the following link to access the Workshop Template for Week 10:


Please upload an MS Word and PDF file of the completed template using the following filename format:

DENT198_Week10_Preparing for Implementation_GROUP X

EXPECTED TO BE COMPLETED on Wednesday, 01 December 2021, 11:59PM (with submissions to be accepted starting 01 December 2021, 12:00PM)

Note that students must submit this as a group.  ALL group members must click the submit button for it to be officially submitted.