Assignment 3: Curricular Approach & Alignment with Program Outcomes

Due: Friday, 18 October 2024, 9:00 PM

During the 9th National Conference on HPEd held at GT Toyota on January 30-31, 2017 keynote speeches were delivered in accordance with the theme "HPEd as Agent of Transformation."

I selected and attached three lectures for your perusal. I also included several articles that you need to read to complete the assignment.

Using as guide all the assigned readings, please address this central question: 

Based on the curriculum that your group will be formulating or modifying, what outcomes will you recommend to maintain, discard, or add? 

Steps in Doing This Individual Assignment:

Step 1: From the different curricular approaches presented in class, decide on the most appropriate Curricular Approach for your chosen proposed curriculum and describe how this will be utilized in the development of your curriculum.  Justify.

Step 2: List all existing HPEd Program Outcomes related to the curriculum that your group is developing. You can use CHED's CMO related to the curriculum your group is developing as baseline. 

    • NOTE: Read CHED's CMO 14 to appreciate the difference between  Program, Course, and Learning Outcomes.

Accomplish Column 1 of Outcome Matrix (see sample below) by typing all the list of outcomes.

Step 3: Which of these outcomes will be addressed by your proposed curriculum?  Which ones are not? Categorize each outcome as to your recommendation: Relevant or Not relevant

    • NOTE: Be a critical and independent thinker. You can always go against institutionally mandated outcomes. Just make sure that you can justify your recommendation.

Step 5: What are the gaps?  What outcomes do you think are missing and will be addressed by the proposed curriculum? Propose/List all 'new /additional/recommended outcomes.  Give the rationale or justification for the inclusion, revision or exclusion of a certain outcome (Column 3). Use available literature. If no literature is available to help you explain your rationale, please search for other resources.


NOTE: 60% of your grade in this assignment will come from your use of assigned literature as bases for your write up in the 'rationale for this outcome' column. The remaining 40% will be based on your decision as to what 'outcomes' to emphasize. By the way, please cite using the APA format and include a bibliography at the end of the report.

Your output:

  • A sample matrix or table with the following elements:

HPEd Outcomes: What's in, what's out, what's new. MY VIEW!
List of Outcomes (PROGRAM)Recommendation: 
Relevant/ Not Relevant/ New or Additional
Rationale for this outcome
Work effectively as member of a inter-professional health care team

New Note: here you should be able to support your decision to emphasize the outcome. You are provided with several articles, read them and cite them (as needed) in this section.

Outcome 2


Outcome 3
Not relevant

Outcome 4


Note: here you should be able to support your decision to modify the outcome. You are provided with several articles, read them and cite them (as needed) in this section.