Topic outline

  • General

  • Course Information

  • Unit 1: The Educational Challenges of the 21st Century

  • Are we there yet?

    After we have discussed the characteristics of the 21st Century educational realities, do you think your institutions are ready to face the challenges moving forward?

    Group Activity 1: Mini survey of my school's readiness for 21st Century Challenges in Teaching and Learning.

    Time Frame: Presentation will be last week of the course.

  • Unit 2: TPACK | Overview

    Dates: February 20 - 27, 2024

  • This topic

    Topic 2.1 Pedagogical Knowledge

  • Unit 2.2. Technological Knowledge

    Dates: TBA

  • Topic 2.3. | Content Knowledge

    Dates: TBA

  • Unit 3: Your TPACK Project | Putting Them All Together

    In this final project, you will develop a technology enhanced instructional design. You can either start from scratch or convert an existing design into a TPACK based design. Your final paper need not be a big educational educational program. It could just be a one-day training or if organized by unit or topic, could just cover one to two topics. What is important is the integration of technology in the design.

  • Unit 4: Technology Insights

    This unit is dedicated for some technical sharing. Weeks before this unit, your faculty will do a survey on the list of technology related topics that you want to discuss with your faculty in charge.  

    Using OBS (as shown below) is one example.