Orbital Decompression (@drmarcosales on Instagram)

Caption Translation: "The emotional effects of the sequelae from Thyroid Orbitopathy know neither age nor gender. It can be as intense for men as it for women, and for older patients as it is for younger ones.

"Recovery of the appearance of your face and eyes brings back your confidence in yourself at any age. It is heartwarming to hear patients tell me how they feel like themselves again.

"This was a customized orbital decompression. Happy with the result."

Notes: Thyroid orbitopathy is a self-limiting inflammation. A patient in the fibrotic phase can have residual proptosis, strabismus and eyelid retraction. The patient in the photo has both proptosis and lower eyelid retraction. After the orbital decompression (partial removal of the orbital bones will increase the volume of the orbit, which will allow the eye to sink backward), the surgeon likely fixed the lower lid retraction by reattaching the lateral tarsus to the orbital rim.