Fluids and Electrolytes Pre-Test
In order to obtain access to the module on Fluids and Electrolytes for Interns please complete this pre-test exam.
For the pre-test, please refer to the following case:
E.M., 17/M was rushed to the E.R for generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Patient is a frat neophyte who was “requested-to-participate” in a 10km marathon run by his frat brods. With no experience/training in competitive sports, he allegedly took 1 tablet of Ectasy (as claimed by his co-neophytes) prior to the run for added endurance.
Co- runners noted that he refused to drink from the hydration (water) stations and instead, just gulped 2 liters of distilled water after crossing the finish line. 30 minutes after, he lost consciousness and went into generalized tonic-clonic seizures.
1) Seizures still on-going (total time: ≈ 15mins)
2) BP 80/50 HR 130 Temp = 40C
Estimated wt= 60kg Dry oral mucosa
3) Distant heart sounds, R basal coarse rales
4) Patient intubated
5) Seizure finally controlled after 10mg Diazepam IV and 300mg Phenytoin IV given
6) BP stabilized at 100 systolic after 2.0L PNSS administered ( FD: 1,000mL, then 200cc/hr)
Grading method: Last attempt