BIO 173 (General Parasitology ) Course Description

Course Description:

            This course provides an overview of representative parasite species that are of medical and of veterinary significance.  Emphasis is given to the basic morphology, life cycle and epidemiological peculiarities of each parasite.  Also, a brief introduction to the common laboratory techniques used in identifying and processing of parasites shall be discussed.

Prerequisite:Senior Standing, BIO 116

Course Objectives:  At the end of the course, the student must be able to:

•          define parasitism and distinguish it from other ecological relationships

•          discuss the different kinds of parasites, hosts and vectors

•          identify and differentiate protozoan & helminth parasites discussed based on classification, morphology, life cycle and disease caused

•          identify and differentiate the common arthropod vectors & ectoparasites based on morphology and life cycle

•          enumerate methods of prevention and control of parasitic infection/ infestation

•          demonstrate knowledge and skills on common laboratory techniques in parasite identification and processing

Last modified: Monday, 21 September 2020, 8:02 AM