Session 19 Guide


We have already tackled how carbohydrates and lipids are catabolized. How about for proteins and nucleic acids? Remember that amino acids and nucleotides (specifically, the bases) are nitrogen containing compounds. In this session, we will discuss how nitrogen-containing compounds are metabolized and will explore if ATP can be gained from oxidizing these compounds. Through this session, you should be able to:

    • discuss the role of amino acids as alternative sources of energy
    • trace the fates of the amino group and carbon skeleton of amino acids
    • explain nucleic acid catabolism
    • calculate and compare the ATP generated from various sources

The following are your tasks for this session:Β 

  1. Go through the Nitrogen Catabolism lesson. Answer the embedded questions in the lesson.
  2. Answer the quick exercise on Catabolism.Β 
  3. Individually, try answering the exercises on ATP calculations from various sources
Main Reading References: Reading Module onΒ Catabolism (pp. 23-32).

If you have questions/clarifications, please use the designated forum board for this module.